Saturday, 19 November 2011
Realestate/Finance trends: Buying & Selling Homes
State of the rich: where millionaires live
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Millionaires call these towns homeSee which places have the highest concentration of millionaires.coolest pools
coolest poolsLuxury buyers seek lavish kitchens
These house hunters want fancy spaces in which to cook, eat and congregateAmerica's most decadent kitchens
Luxurious kitchens are a huge selling point in these homes for sale.America's most expensive blocks
These 10 areas are among the wealthiest in the country.Where the richest people live
These blocks have the greatest concentration of wealthy people in the U.S.Is it a house or a mall?
These residences boast movie theaters, bowling alleys, diners and spas.Amazing, unusual garages
These showcase garages prove that the owners treasure their vehicles.More than a place to park your ride
An amazing garage can tell a story about its owner.
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1 hour ago
Every day a thousand pay and pension MULTI MILLIONAIRE government types retire on your back; many on to a double dipper status or More - you cannot get these people off the iron rice bowl
when hoover declared no mob - it was because they moved into the public employee scams.
Lets get the data out there about WHO are these millionaires - bet you can't wait to see that the numbers in the top 7% are - you guessed it - your friendly lifeguard (200,000 a year, fire chiefs, deputy fire chiefs - assistants to the chiefs - you get the picture; oh yeah - don't forget the admirals, generals and their colnels that hang up their coats and get em coffee. Don't forget the presidents dog walker; a fed fella at 200,000 a year; there are 20 million of these bandits on the teat
Remember these are the patriots...
when hoover declared no mob - it was because they moved into the public employee scams.
Lets get the data out there about WHO are these millionaires - bet you can't wait to see that the numbers in the top 7% are - you guessed it - your friendly lifeguard (200,000 a year, fire chiefs, deputy fire chiefs - assistants to the chiefs - you get the picture; oh yeah - don't forget the admirals, generals and their colnels that hang up their coats and get em coffee. Don't forget the presidents dog walker; a fed fella at 200,000 a year; there are 20 million of these bandits on the teat
Remember these are the patriots...
1 hour ago
those Occupy movement guys would be alot more useful in foreign countries if you ask me; like in North Korea or Tehran. I see their point here I guess, they're out of work and not happy about it. So ... go make yourselves useful, be the pain in the **** that you are being here in an enemy society. See?
1 hour ago
do insects, fish and trees go to heaven when they die? they are living things, and "God" created all living things, right? maybe they go to different heavens, a tree heaven for the trees, insect heaven for the insects ... and of course tree hell for the sinuous trees, fish hell for the fish who have sinned, et cetera
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I do not want to be wealthier; I do not want to be poor. I know what I have is as much to do with being a white middle age male who just got education because that what we do, than any effort I put forward. I wish i could say I think people earn mass wealth because of their sincere effort, but most often this is not the case. it isn't the case for anyone who says it is; if they deeply knew they earned it on merit only, then they wouldn't be defensive nor would they care to take so much. the defensiveness to protect it frequently has to do with a deep seated, often unaware, sense that they took what they have unjustly and want to protect others from it, the others who they perceive think as they do. surprise, not all want wealth. as for those who hate the wealthy deeply, that hate is rooted in a deep desire to have what the wealthy took;resentment they were given the access to it, or just took it. its the flip of the same greed, hatred and delusion. then there are those who really don't want to be involved in it or who keep the money moving without hording, assuring it is given back from the source---those are few. in the end, we face our hate, greed and delusion; what a waist of time.
3 hours ago
fact.......the senate and congress will help any wealthy person or company....but will always screw the middleman and poor.....and then blame one side or the other about what dont pass keep every american unfocused on the real problem...which is they all are corrupt voting every single one of them out not just a few here and there it wont solve nothing..but change the blame onto the other side...
4 hours ago
(Many are taught in the public school by the NEA that profit is evil.)
Really, from what crack-inspired nightmare did this comment come from?
I never taught that, nor did any teacher I ever knew......only that greed and selfishness are not good character traits as opposed to kindness and compassion that are
Jesus taught the same thing, BTW.
Really, from what crack-inspired nightmare did this comment come from?
I never taught that, nor did any teacher I ever knew......only that greed and selfishness are not good character traits as opposed to kindness and compassion that are
Jesus taught the same thing, BTW.
4 hours ago
It's not profit that they speak's how they make the profit that is the concern today. There are people that create businesses and create jobs....these people (like Doctors, definitely not Lawyers) are indispensible in our society. Unfortunately, there are toooo many other people making millions of dollars by sucking the blood of the American citizens just because they have been entrusted to positions that allow them opportunity to do so (or throw a silly ball around). Who can be a fan of that, with the exception of the profiteers ? These people offer our society nothing, yet they command all the same privileges as those that have earned their millions. So, though the "work ethic" theory may have been good 30 years ago, it's been infiltrated by "scum of the earth" and no longer holds true. Sorry, but it needs to be said. As far as slavery, if money was never invented, I can assure you that many of these millionaires would have zero skill to barter with, hence would end up as slaves themselves. Easy to deny in these times, but true none-the-less.
5 hours ago
Mathousla's first year annual salary was 15 cents. Depending on how old you are surely your salary was less.
While all this rich bashing is going on, please tell me, How many of you ever got a job from a poor man. Poor is a relative term anyway.
People don't start business for the sole purpose of providing jobs for others, like the Soviet Union seemed to think, Comrades.
Many are taught in the public school by the NEA that profit is evil.
While all this rich bashing is going on, please tell me, How many of you ever got a job from a poor man. Poor is a relative term anyway.
People don't start business for the sole purpose of providing jobs for others, like the Soviet Union seemed to think, Comrades.
Many are taught in the public school by the NEA that profit is evil.
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
I worked as a school teacher for ten starting pay was $18,000 and I was a single parent raising a kid by myself. At the end of the year, instead of getting a $5,000,000 bonus for being a greedy screw-up, I got a coffee mug saying "You're A+". That's it.
But when I meet one of my former students, now grown up, and they thank me as someone who changed their life for the better, I thank God I was a teacher, whatever the pay scale.
Can you imagine some Wall Street millionaire being told what I get told....? Never gonna happen.
I'll take my life, thank you, and leave the envy to others.....
But when I meet one of my former students, now grown up, and they thank me as someone who changed their life for the better, I thank God I was a teacher, whatever the pay scale.
Can you imagine some Wall Street millionaire being told what I get told....? Never gonna happen.
I'll take my life, thank you, and leave the envy to others.....
6 hours ago
Hokeydude, er, Hockeydude777, your words smack of anger and belligerence, exactly the way most millionaires act.. You say you grew up a cop's son but due to your own brains you created a company and made millions.. Good for you, dude.. I'm happy for you but what you and your 'kind' (that being stuck-on-themselves, power-happy, self-made jerks) don't seem to EVER understand is not everyone of us is made the same way.. If we were, we'd ALL be billionaires, right?
Some of us are meant to be artists or school teachers or just your common everyday assembly line workers.. What the hell is the matter with you? You talk like your so entitled but the fact is, without those employees of yours doing YOUR work FOR you, you wouldn't have a pot to piss in, just like the rest of us! THEY are the ones that make your money for you and you act like an ungrateful ****, which you are, of course!
Do you think because a person is fired or let go of their jobs that makes them stupid or bad people? You damn money-hungry, greedy CEO's are never happy with what you have, you always want more and the trouble is, you get, you get it by firing people or raising your prices even when people are having a difficult time just making ends meet! And then you blame US ordinary people when we complain that you have too damn much and tell us to 'go out and get it for ourselves'! Fool!
Will you kick your kids out on the street because they desire to do something else with their lives then follow in YOUR footsteps? Like I said, not everyone is hardwired to be a big inventor or an actor or rock star! Not all of us have the know-how or talent to make the 'big bucks' but you ACT as though we should!!
You kind of make me sick.. Too much is never enough for the likes of your kind.. If you had your way the only people that deserve to be living are the filthy rich, of which you obviously count yourself among..
I hope you and yours remember what happened to little ol' Marie when she said 'let them eat cake'!
Some of us are meant to be artists or school teachers or just your common everyday assembly line workers.. What the hell is the matter with you? You talk like your so entitled but the fact is, without those employees of yours doing YOUR work FOR you, you wouldn't have a pot to piss in, just like the rest of us! THEY are the ones that make your money for you and you act like an ungrateful ****, which you are, of course!
Do you think because a person is fired or let go of their jobs that makes them stupid or bad people? You damn money-hungry, greedy CEO's are never happy with what you have, you always want more and the trouble is, you get, you get it by firing people or raising your prices even when people are having a difficult time just making ends meet! And then you blame US ordinary people when we complain that you have too damn much and tell us to 'go out and get it for ourselves'! Fool!
Will you kick your kids out on the street because they desire to do something else with their lives then follow in YOUR footsteps? Like I said, not everyone is hardwired to be a big inventor or an actor or rock star! Not all of us have the know-how or talent to make the 'big bucks' but you ACT as though we should!!
You kind of make me sick.. Too much is never enough for the likes of your kind.. If you had your way the only people that deserve to be living are the filthy rich, of which you obviously count yourself among..
I hope you and yours remember what happened to little ol' Marie when she said 'let them eat cake'!
6 hours ago
The responses on this article are really amusing. They smack of jealousy, envy (one of the 7 deadlies), and an entitlement ethic that is really sad. I was a cop's kid ... started a biz at 22 and grew that biz from 1 emplyee to 1600 employees through hard work, resolve and a never give up mentality. So, this boy was never born with a silver spoon, but ended up a multi-millionaire. And I had employees that worked for me for over 20 years. They grew with the company, had families, homes, cars, sent their kids to college .... why, because I didn't piss and moan about the gov't, the entitlements of the rich?? I worked and lived the American dream. It is totally still out there ... but I doubt any of the folks on here will live it because you are too busy complaining. Grow a pair and put it on the line and do something worthwhile. So .... what have you accomplished today??? Go out and make a freakin difference .... wah, wah, wah, woe is me ... you ought to be ashamed of yourself!!
7 hours ago
Massachusetts .... hmmm, isn't that where Romney is the head of affairs?? He has more business knowleadge of any candidate .... want to change the economic culture? Vote in the guy that has brought the most change to a totally lefty state with his great biz knowledge and experience. Or .. stick with the current administration and watch the country and economy go further into the toilet!! Not much of a choice when you really think about it!!
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
8 hours ago
Rich in money is not always rich in happiness. Their is always the rich in every area. Laugh and be happy with others in the same mind set is better. Out fishing in nature is beautiful. Coming back to shore with all the problems that live there is a challenge. The rich are not necessarily the best at everything. Look at what happened to Tiger Woods.
8 hours ago
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and as for our country we been broke. By the way the rich keep getting rich and the poor are going to get poorer and that's all do to the people in Dc tax should be the same as everyone and then we would get somewhere. no the government can't balance it's budget is because they have all the money that's why. Congress is just like us if they can not balance our budget who is going to balance there's
9 hours ago
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Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
By Paul Toscano of CNBC
Where the top 5% live
Each year, Phoenix Marketing International analyzes national data on millionaire households to reveal which U.S. states attract the most high-income families.The overall number of millionaire households has increased nationwide for the second year in a row. In 2011, there were 5.94 million millionaire households, compared with 5.56 million households a year earlier, an increase of approximately 6.8%. Nearly every U.S. state saw an increase in its total number of millionaires, adding thousands of households to millionaire status.
The study defines millionaire households as those with $1 million or more in investable or liquid assets, excluding sponsored retirement plans and real estate. Overall, 5.08% of U.S. households claim millionaire status, up from last year but still short of the 2007 high of 5.25%.
David Thompson, managing director of Phoenix Marketing, says, "This is the closest it's ever been between the top two states." He adds, "All of the top 10 states increased their millionaire ratios during the past year, which underscores that the richest states keep getting richer."
In past reports, Thompson has noted that "small states with large concentrations of highly educated professionals and business owners are key ingredients to growing wealth," and that states with a large proportion of millionaires tend to share these characteristics.
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Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
By Paul Toscano of CNBC
Where the top 5% live
Each year, Phoenix Marketing International analyzes national data on millionaire households to reveal which U.S. states attract the most high-income families.The overall number of millionaire households has increased nationwide for the second year in a row. In 2011, there were 5.94 million millionaire households, compared with 5.56 million households a year earlier, an increase of approximately 6.8%. Nearly every U.S. state saw an increase in its total number of millionaires, adding thousands of households to millionaire status.
The study defines millionaire households as those with $1 million or more in investable or liquid assets, excluding sponsored retirement plans and real estate. Overall, 5.08% of U.S. households claim millionaire status, up from last year but still short of the 2007 high of 5.25%.
David Thompson, managing director of Phoenix Marketing, says, "This is the closest it's ever been between the top two states." He adds, "All of the top 10 states increased their millionaire ratios during the past year, which underscores that the richest states keep getting richer."
In past reports, Thompson has noted that "small states with large concentrations of highly educated professionals and business owners are key ingredients to growing wealth," and that states with a large proportion of millionaires tend to share these characteristics.
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- 'Listed': Where can you live with a pet tiger?
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 10: District of Columbia
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 5.88%Millionaire households: 15,603
Total households: 265,558
Percentage in 2010: 5.53%
Millionaire households: 14,533
Percentage in 2009: 5.00%
Millionaire households: 13,028
- MSN Money: So you want to be a millionaire
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Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 9: California
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 6.01%Millionaire households: 750,686
Total households: 12.49 million
Percentage in 2010: 5.66%
Millionaire households: 716,316
Percentage in 2009: 5.28%
Millionaire households: 662,735
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 8: New Hampshire
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 6.06%Millionaire households: 31,159
Total households: 514,053
Percentage in 2010: 5.79%
Millionaire households: 29,790
Percentage in 2009: 5.34%
Millionaire households: 27,562
- MSN Money: So you want to be a millionaire
- Find a luxury home for sale near you
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 7: Virginia
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 6.26%Millionaire households: 195,006
Total households: 3.11 million
Percentage in 2010: 5.94%
Millionaire households: 180,638
Percentage in 2009: 5.51%
Millionaire households: 166,596
- Video: Millionaire lottery winner continues to work as janitor
- 'Listed': Where can you live with a pet tiger?
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 6: Alaska
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 6.39%Millionaire households: 16,239
Total households: 254,103
Percentage in 2010: 5.97%
Millionaire households: 14,805
Percentage in 2009: 5.39%
Millionaire households: 13,348
- MSN Money: So you want to be a millionaire
- Find a luxury home for sale near you
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 5: Massachusetts
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 6.41%Millionaire households: 162,619
Total households: 2.54 million
Percentage in 2010: 5.98%
Millionaire households: 150,884
Percentage in 2009: 5.50%
Millionaire households: 137,792
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 4: Connecticut
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 7.13%Millionaire households: 98,392
Total households: 1.38 million
Percentage in 2010: 6.65%
Millionaire households: 89,647
Percentage in 2009: 6.15%
Millionaire households: 82,837
- MSN Money: So you want to be a millionaire
- Find a luxury home for sale near you
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 3: New Jersey
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 7.19%Millionaire households: 231,456
Total households: 3.22 million
Percentage in 2010: 6.69%
Millionaire households: 212,396
Percentage in 2009: 6.15%
Millionaire households: 197,694
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 2: Hawaii
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 7.21%Millionaire households: 33,461
Total households: 464,352
Percentage in 2010: 6.93%
Millionaire households: 30,793
Percentage in 2009: 6.41%
Millionaire households: 28,363
- MSN Money: So you want to be a millionaire
- Find a luxury home for sale near you
Where the top 5% live: States with the most millionaires
No. 1: Maryland
Percentage of millionaire households in 2011: 7.22%Millionaire households: 157,779
Total households: 2.19 million
Percentage in 2010: 6.79%
Millionaire households: 144,686
Percentage in 2009: 6.26%
Millionaire households: 133,299
- Video: Millionaire lottery winner continues to work as janitor
- 'Listed': Where can you live with a pet tiger?
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